Monday, August 6, 2012

NEPAL 040812 Question: When is a hike a trek?

Answer: When you take that hike in the Himalayas. 

“Trekking is simply another name for hiking. The term, which is from Afrikaans and originally meant a journey by ox cart across South Africa, was first applied to hiking in Nepal in the early 1960's [other sources say 1964] by retired Ghurka [Regiment] [Lieutenant] Col. Jimmy Roberts. Roberts was the first person to take paying clients on guided hikes in Nepal and patterned his treks after early Nepal [Himalayan] mountaineering expeditions. His trips had basically everything the big expeditions had -- guides, Sherpa porters, cooks, and kitchen boys. Clients didn't scale the peaks; but they came close and that was what they wanted. Today, camping treks are still done the way Col. Roberts pioneered them.”*

AND,  if you go hiking along the Milford Track in New Zealand, you are “tramping.”   If you hike in Australia, you are “bushwalking,” in Scotland you are “hill walking,” but if you had accompanied Bill Bryson along the Appalachian Trail, you were just taking A WALK IN THE WOODS.

*World Vision Travels & Tours (P) Ltd., Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal.”

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