Monday, August 6, 2012

NEPAL 040512 Kathmandu to Pokara

Dear Everyone

Today we made a most interesting drive from Kathmandu to Pokara, the epicenter of trekking in the Annapurna Himalaya.  We left our hotel in Boudha at 8:00 AM with our guide Jawane, his 15-year-old son, our four porters, and the driver and his brother.  Our vehicle was a Toyota van that holds 12 passengers and lots of luggage.  We arrived at our hotel in Pokara at 2:45 in the afternoon with two stops, one that included having milk tea, McVittie's Digestive Biscuits (yet another vestige of the British Empire in this part of the world), and Peanut M&M's, and the other to deal with the liquid vestiges of the metabolism of the tea from the first stop.

My first picture for you for today shows some of the traffic in Boudha that we encountered near the stupa as we were leaving our neighborhood. The stupa was teeming with people there for a special celebration.  Never a dull moment in KTM!

Traffic in Boudha
The light tan smudges on the lower right side of the picture are my fingers covering part of the lens on my iPhone as I held it out the window of the van in a death grip.  I love the smile on the guy driving the scooter, so I'm particularly sad about the smudges, but I didn't drop my precious phone cum camera.

As we climbed out of the Kathmandu Valley we were able to see the three spectacular huge golden Buddha statues on the KTM Ring Road as well as the handsome Swayambudnath Stupa gleaming golden atop its hill.  The smog was particularly potent this morning, so we were extra glad to be heading into the countryside.  The first about 1/4 of the route to Pokara is also the road from India to Kathmandu, so we were treated to a parade of colorful trucks and busses decorated with a vivid colors. The picture  below -- still shooting with the iPhone out the window -- shows a truck with sort of a medium level of decoration, more in the Danish Modern genre as compared to Indian Subcontinent Garish.  

One of very many delightful colorful trucks climbing the hill to Kathmandu slowly enough to be photographed.
As we climbed up to the ridges and descended into the river valleys, the terraced landscape we were traversing went from dry "grazing" terraces, to vegetable farms, and then rice paddies as we dropped to lower, warmer elevations.  There was a lot of activity in the rice terraces with teams of water buffalo plowing the paddies and, as in Chitwan, groups of brightly dressed --red is popular -- women transplanting the rice one seeding at a time.  At one point I could see six teams of water buffalo at work. 

 There were also reforested areas and prosperous appearing market towns on the route.
Shops along the route from Kathmandu to Pokara.

We are tucked into our hotel and have finished dinner.  The menu had Chinese, Nepali, Indian, and "Continental" food which = Italian and hamburgers mainly.  I was tempted to order the "pork cubs," but settled on Aloo Mutter Curry from the Indian section of the menu.  Spicy hot and hotter is the norm here.

Today's best pictures I missed were a bus with a couple dozen goats riding on the top and a woman sitting on her haunches under her umbrella who had been joined by one of the ubiquitous yellow Nepali dogs -- they were sitting pretty much nose-to-nose.  Would have been a cute picture.

It has been raining steadily here in Pokara since we arrived -- there seems to be a weather pattern that has been bringing us afternoon thunderstorms.  We start our trek tomorrow and hopefully we will get to out first lodging before the thundershowers start.

We will be back at this hotel in 8-9 days and hopefully their WiFi will kick back on this evening so this will reach you before we get back.

Maybe I'll be able to send you a note from the trek.  We'll see.

Love and hugs,

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