Sunday, August 19, 2012

CHICO 081912 Two Cats in Suitcases

Well OK, this is actually another test post so that Marian, the cyberphobic blogger, can learn how the email alert process works.  So please just bear with her while she tries again.

For your amusement this time we have Pink and Black engaged in a little protest action here in Baldyland the the local, national, and international press has dubbed "OCCUPY SUITCASES." This is a little political protest with the goal to prevent their owners from filling the suitcases with clotes and toiletries, leaving town, and abandoning them as well as removing the body temperature furniture from the house yet again.

Pink occupies a piece of to-be-checked luggage

Black "sits in" to prevent the packing of a piece of cary-on luggage

CHICO 081912 Packing for Southern Africa

Hello from Chico

This Friday August 24, Dick and I will will leave to meet Roy and Charlotte Ekland in Windhoek, Namibia on Monday August 27.  We will travel with them in Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe (Victoria Falls), and South Africa with our friends Paula and Titia Van Deventer as guides.  We are getting REALLY EXCITED.

I've been playing with my blog and wanted to test the "subscribe by email" feature, so this post is as test of that, as well as a little -- hopefully humorous -- note about our packing and a couple of "things" I will miss in Chico.

Namaste, Marian

Pink glances left as Dick comes into the bedroom where she has been helping me pack

Dick cuts duct tape to secure the bottles of Hershey's chocolate Syrup in Bertha -- our faithful yellow thrift shop Samsonite -- so that they will not pulverize the gift boxes of western shirts

Something in Chico I will miss -- gazing at and -- sometimes even eating -- these colorful macaroons at the Tin Roof Bakery and sending pictures of them to my beloved granddaughter Lisa Pham

"Something" I will miss in Chico -- or is it "someone?" -- Black our other cat whose favorite lace to be petted is on the keyboard of my computer.  maybe that's why the F1 and F2 keys have "surprising new" functions?

A latte for here -- at Tin Roof.  So much for renunciation of the objects of the material world.  Next lifetime?