Wednesday, August 1, 2012

NEPAL 032212 At Hotel Ngudrup Guest House, Boudha

Dear Friends

Our trip from the airport to the hotel began by taxi through the dense traffic of small motorcycles, LARGE trucks, small cars, and brave pedestrians.  After trying to telephone the hotel for directions (it turned out that the telephone numbers on the hotel letterhead were obsolete – they had very recently been changed), Jawane had the taxi driver stop near the great Boudhanath Stupa and let us off to find our hotel by asking directions on the street.

Jawane carried our two duffel bags and each of us had a carry-on size suitcase to maneuver over the cobblestones.  After getting some contradicting directions, Jawane hired a man who was sitting on the street with a tumpline in his hand to carry one of the duffels.  He attached the line to the bottom of the heavy bag, placed the bag on his back, and slipped a padded portion of the line across his forehead, taking the weight on his neck and spine.  We four walked up the main street and across a vacant lot occupied by a serene cow to the narrow dirt almost-an-alley where our hotel sat, four handsome brick floors with a roof garden festooned with colorful prayer flags snapping in the afternoon breeze.  After we checked in, Jawane bid us a friendly adieu and reminded us that he would arrive tomorrow afternoon with Donna and Karma. 

Here is our first picture form Nepal:  Hot, sweaty, happy we pose in our room festooned with flowers presented to us by Jawane at the airport.

Namaste, Dick and Marian

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